The Democracies struggle with their separate problems as the dictatorships bomb with impunity

Hot on the heels of the Japanese terror
bombing of Hankow, Franco’s Nationalists and their German and Italian allies
began to bomb towns in Catalonia and other Republican enclaves. The goal was to
break civilian morale. The recent Italian agreement to withdraw its “volunteers”
from Spain in exchange for British recognition of the conquest of Ethiopia was
quietly ignored. Some hundreds of people were killed in the town of Granollers.
Britain reacted with its customary flurry of outraged and ineffectual protest.
The demonstration of ruthless use of air power by Fascists countries helped
reinforce fears in Britain of what shape a broader war might take.
The complexity of the problems
facing the Czechoslovakian state were all too apparent in the manoeuvres to
produce a new nationalities statute. By far the largest internal issue that
President Hodza faced was winning the Slovaks round to any change. The notion
that there was any such things as a Czechoslovakian nation was essentially a
fiction. The two groups were comparable in size and before any attempt could be
made to accommodate the German speaking Sudeten minority (a little more than a
fifth of the total population) they would have to be in agreement. Slovak autonomists
were in a minority, albeit a vocal one. The presence of significant Hungarian
and Polish minorities further complicated the problem. German support for the Sudetens
had gone quiet for a bit but the challenge remained.
Cordell Hull, the US Secretary of
State, delivered a powerfully worded speech against US isolationism in
Nashville. In the face of international anarchy and lawlessness, the influence
of the US was a vital force for stability. Predictably he stopped well short of
any firm commitments or specific proposals. He also showcased the need to avoid
“entangling alliances” and advanced the case for general disarmament. In
reality the speech gave a better idea of the challenges President Roosevelt
would face if he wanted to involve the US in international diplomacy, rather
than giving any cause for hope that he would.
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