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Eighty years ago this week the Soviet occupation of eastern Europe takes shape

  The leaders of the principal allied powers, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, met in conference at Yalta in the Crimea to plan the future after the defeat of Germany. Only Stalin had a realistic agenda and that had already been set by the Red Army's advance across Europe. He simply wished to retain Soviet conquests and to ensure that they faced no military challenge. Roosevelt hoped to entice the Soviets into  particpating in the military defeat of Japan; Stalin was aware that Soviet territorial ambitions in the East would be fulfilled by military action which Japan would be powerless to halt especially if the UK and US invaded the home islands. Churchill entertained fantasies of instituting some form of democracy in Soviet occupied eastern Europe. The Bulgarian Communist Party gave a foretaste of politics after Soviet occupation. Ninety three senior figures in Bulgaria's wartime government including the former regents and the prime minister were executed by firing squad afte...

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