Eighty years ago, a Whitehall power struggle is settled, unlimited useless battleships and no end to agony in Spain
The announcement of the
arrangements for the succession to Sir Maurice Hankey, who had served as
Cabinet secretary for two decades since the job was created, masked a ferocious
power struggle that had enlivened Whitehall for weeks. Hankey had tried to
maintain the autonomy that he had fostered for the Cabinet Secretariat in
bizarre hybrid of military and civilian organization, drawing on its origins
and his early career in the Committee for Imperial Defence (CID). The powers
that be in the mainstream Civil Service had long wanted to bring the
Secretariat under their control and they did not let the opportunity slip.
Hankey’s accumulated functions were split amongst three mean: a soldier
replaced him at the CID; a senior Civil Servant took his place on the Privy
Council (by devious constitutional reasoning this position gave Hankey the
locus standi to attend the Cabinet, officially a sub-committee of the Privy
Council; a relatively junior civil servant assumed his functions on the Cabinet
secretariat. The last was Edward Bridges who had nary a letter to put after his
name (military gallantry decorations counted for little) to compare to Hankey’s
full-house of the country’s top knighthoods. It was Sir Warren Fisher, Head of
the Civil Service, and Sir Horace Wilson, ensconced at 10 Downing Street, who
were going to rule the roost. In time Bridges would become powerful and
respected but for the moment the press was more interested in the fact that his
father had been poet laureate.
Britain, France and America
hammered the last nail into the coffin of disarmament, the ideal that had
promised so much to humanity and fail to deliver much in the teeth of Realpolitik. They jointly announced that
they would no longer respect the limits of battleship construction set down by
the naval treaties. Japan had contemptuously withdrawn from the system, leaving
it as an empty set of redundant formulae. The monster battleships that Japan
had broken the treaties to construct played no useful part in the war that was
to come.
Franco’s offensive against the
remnants of the Spanish Republic reached its high point with the breaking of
the Ebro line. The Catalan enclave was practically cut off from France by the
Nationalists’ advance on the Pyrenees. However Republican resistance was
stiffening and getting better organized. Rugged terrain worked in its favour.
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