Eighty years ago, the weather comes to the assistance of the Finns as the Soviets optimistically install a puppet "government"
The Soviet
attackers were so confident of conquering Finland that they established a Communist
puppet “Finnish Democratic Government” in the small corner of Finish territory
at Terijoki they occupied under their stooge Otto Kuusinen, who had fled to the Soviet Union
after the failure to establish a Communist regime after the First World War. Kuusinen
would supposedly sweep away the corrupt and exploitative regime and replace it
with a worker paradise such as that enjoyed by everyone under Stalin.
The Germans were
giving signs of discomfort at the Soviet expansionist genie that they had released from
the bottle with the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. Formally they claimed that it was
no business of theirs to interfere in an area where proven Soviet interests had
come under threat. Privately the invasion was labelled a Schweinerei and
blamed on the British for having made the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact necessary
offering a guarantee to Poland.
In what was
to be almost its last hurrah, the League of Nations in Geneva debated a Finnish
request for help. As a number of Latin American states pointed out, the League’s
qualification for the task was undermined by the fact that the aggressor was
still a member of the organization in “good standing.”
The weather
came to the assistance of the defending Finns and a harsh winter with heavy
snowfall descended on the front. Finland’s experienced ski-troops were far better
able to cope than the Soviet infantry. The Finnish army retreated in good order
to its main defensive position, the Mannerheim Line, north of Lake Ladoga on
the Karelian Isthmus. They inflicted severe casualties on poorly led and organized
units of the Red Army.
The British Foreign
Secretary made a high profile statement of allied war aims in the House of Lords.
In keeping with his usual wordy and Pious style, Lord Halifax filled his speech
with benign platitudes. The nearest he got to anything remotely aggressive was to
insist that a settlement would only be
signed with a government whose signature could be trusted, but he fell short of
saying whether a Nazi regime could ever fit the bill. It was in marked contrast
to a broadcast that Churchill had made to the US a fortnight before in which
had castigated most of the senior Nazi
leaders by name. The arch-appeasing junior foreign minister, Rab Butler, had privately
dismissed the speech as “vulgar beyond words.”
The pocket battleship Graf
Spee continued her rampage around the southern oceans. Her latest victim was
the liner Doric Star, who was sunk off Africa. Before she went down she was
able to signal the Admiralty her location and the type of her attacker. This
was enough for Commodore Harwood, leading three smallish RN cruisers in the
Southern Atlantic to guess accurately that the Graf Spee ‘s next target
would be British shipping off South America at a similar latitude. His force
set off towards the River Plate estuary in anticipation.
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