Eighty years ago, the massive Crystal Night pogrom is not allowed to interfere with appeasement
As the remaining Jews in Germany
had feared, retribution for the attack on von Rath in Paris came soon and it
was terrible. Orchestrated by propaganda minister Josef Goebbels, Reichskristallnacht (Crystal night) was one of the largest
pogroms ever unleashed. Synagogues were burnt and Jewish owned shops were
vandalized throughout the Reich. Dozens were killed and hundreds were arrested.
It was followed by legislation that in practice stripped Jews of everything
that they owned. The US was the only country to make any noticeable protest, withdrawing
its ambassador “for consultations.” Neville Chamberlain complained privately
that the atrocity might hamper his policy of appeasement and moaned that he
might be forced to have to come close to criticizing Germany in public.
Mussolini finally reaped the
harvest of Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement. The Anglo-Italian agreements
signed at Easter finally came into effect as the withdrawal of some Italian
troops from Spain triggered the final clauses. Lord Perth, the British
ambassador in Rome, Lord Perth handed over to Count Ciano, the Italian foreign
minister, his new Letters of Credence addressed to the King of Italy and
Emperor of Ethiopia, thus acknowledging formal recognition by Great Britain of
the Empire, in other words Italy’s conquest of Ethiopia. Nine long months
before Chamberlain had forced his foreign minister Anthony Eden to resign in
order to set the ball rolling in this direction. Britain had obtained nothing
in return.
The government’s mastery of the
House of Commons made itself felt. A Liberal amendment calling for the creation
of a “Ministry of Supply” was soundly defeated despite the support of Winston
Churchill. The name was a euphemism for the “Ministry of Munitions”, in other
words a shorthand for a move to wartime economic conditions. In Chamberlain’s
mind the Munich declaration had removed the threat of war, so the economy
should move back to full peacetime conditions. He was also given the
opportunity to squash any suggestion that Sir Horace Wilson might not be the
proper person to advise him on foreign affairs. Civil servants were there to
advise ministers on anything they were told to and it was, furthermore, deeply
improper even to mention them by name in Parliament. His answer was wildly
applauded by the government benches. In reality Wilson had acquired the status
of privileged adviser on every topic under the sun and was an enthusiastic
supporter of appeasement. He knew nothing of foreign affairs.
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