A Legend is Born on Cable Street
Sunday 4th
October 1936
provoked by British Union of Fascist demonstrations had been growing for some
time and reached a climax triggered by a march through eastern London, later
celebrated as the “Battle of Cable Street”. The Fascist had intended to march
through largely Jewish areas in uniform. Despite the provocative intent of the
march and the risk of violence, the authorities did not ban it outright.
A large escort
of 6,000 police was provided to protect the Fascists from an estimated 20,000
counter demonstrators, principally local Jews and Communists. The bulk of the
violence was between police and counter-demonstrators. There were few casualties
among the Fascists. Most of the 60 people arrested were counter-demonstrators.
The legend that the Fascists were defeated is quite false, but the violence was
a major motive for the passage of the Public Order Act, forbidding uniformed
protests and requiring police permission for demonstrations, which is regarded
as a major factor in the decline of Fascist activism in Britain.
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